Elite Logo Maker - Logo Design
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  • Text Section with HTML5 / Tailwind CSS
  • Features section consisting of a grid of 6 items with titles, icons, and a short description, this component was created with Tailwind CSS.
  • Section with a main text and 6 features that are illustrated with icons and text.
  • Responsive menu with icons in the navigation bar, ideal for mobile devices, this component was created using Tailwind CSS.
  • Contact form with Tailwind CSS.
  • The Features Section is built using Tailwind CSS and a minimal design. It consists of four list items, each representing a feature, accompanied by icons and descriptive text. The section layout is fully responsive and uses modern utility classes from Tailwind to ensure flexibility and ease of customization.
  • Icons Section with HTML / Tailwind CSS
  • List with Icons and Text created with HTML and Tailwind CSS
  • Hero Section with HTML / Tailwind CSS
  • Footer with HTML / Tailwind CSS